Finished Concrete Floors

"Polished look" luxurious sealed concrete floors

Finished Concrete Livingroom

Beautiful diamond ground and sealed concrete

Custom Sealed Floors

Nano-quartz, tinted sealer was used to protect these beautiful floors

Stylish Concrete Floors

Custom styled and sealed floors for this custom built home

Custom Sealed Concrete

Lightly honed concrete floors tinted a light warm grey

Barndominium Floors

Diamond ground concrete with a matte finish sealer

Interior Concrete Staining

Honed and slate colored stained concrete with gloss finish

Interior Concrete Flooring

Slate colored concrete stain with a gloss sealant

Farm House Floors

Honed concrete with a gloss sealant

Power Troweled Look

Dark grey colored concrete, lightly sanded, and sealed with a satin sealer

Custom Concrete Staining

Multi-color, custom concrete staining with polished look sealer

Polished Look Sealed Floors

Diamond ground concrete, sealed, then diamond buffed for a high gloss sheen

Polished Concrete Bathroom

Beautiful custom bathroom with polished concrete floors

Living Room w/ Concrete Floors

Diamond ground floors with a satin finish sealant

Diamond Grind And Seal

Resurfaced basement floor sealed with grey tinted urethane